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Kaufland Romania, buget record de dezvoltare pentru 2021
Kaufland Romania, unul din principalii
Cum arata fermele viitorului: vehicule autonome, drone, roboti si multa inginerie genetica avansata (video)
Un documentar de la Deutsche
You are not gluten intolerant, you are glyphosate intolerant
Study blames Roundup herbicide for
Hai sa mancam afara, initiativa Kaufland Romania!
In aceasta vara, Kaufland Romania
Farmers fear fracking could spell financial ruin
Emily Gosden National Farmers’ Union
Governments, Western corporations grab lands across Africa. Interview with Justine Mutale
We believe that this is
Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized. VIDEO
Is water a free and
The new African land grab
Foreign investors, with the World